Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Photos UPDATE...

Well, I had not a single session in January and the gaol of completing my 2012 photos in 2012 was looking not so good. But here it is the end of February and things are looking up! I have done two basketball teams, and a sweet pair of sisters. I am only counting the amount of photos that the client receives, so even though I may take 150 photos, the 50 edited photos that go to the client are all that counts in my goal. And as far as the sports photos go, I am only counting the two individuals and the two team photos. SO the grand total so far as of this day is
                                                ......................DRUM ROLL.................................


Haha, yea. Not the most impressive number, but hey it is better than ZERO! I will take it and be very grateful! Thanks so all that contributed to it! March is already looking pretty promising... ;)

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